My Trans Love > Vermont > Montpelier

Youthful soul for playful partner in Montpelier, VT

Youthful soul for playful partner in Montpelier, VT

I’m such a kid at heart, it’s sometimes embarrassing at my big age lol! I’m Abi, I’m 27 and I have an unnecessarily large collection of Lego sets, puzzles, and board games. Thinking back now, it must’ve been so funny when I first invited my coworkers over for dinner. I was offered a job at an F500 company and moved here to Montpelier, VT not too long ago to take the opportunity, so the workplace is a very professional setting as you can imagine. Lo and behold the array of shelves stacked with my completed Lego sets that they came to see as they stepped into my apartment. What can I say, I love them too much not to show them off lol!!

Now that I’ve exposed myself, I need the favor returned please and thank you haha! I was raised in an orphanage, so I was never given the chance to be the child I wanted to be. Now that I’m an adult, I’ve discovered myself more, have fully transitioned, and continue to heal my younger self’s heart by indulging in all these toys! So, with that, I’d like to get to know and go out on dates with a guy that is just as playful and kid-like as I am. I’m hoping you are around my age, a sweetheart, and have similar hobbies as me. I also hope you have a sweet tooth, pastries are my biggest weakness lol! Send me a message if you’d like to go out some time, I know of this amazing hole-in-the-wall bakery that we could go to!

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