My Trans Love > North Carolina > Durham

Youthful soul Durham, NC spicing up her love life

Youthful soul Durham, NC spicing up her love life

Does anyone even like to go and play outside anymore? I’m not being childish, this is just what it genuinely feels like to be an ex-athlete: so much energy, yet nowhere to release it all, lol! I do go to the gym and play ball outside whenever I can, but work just takes up so much time now, and I’m left seated at an office desk for most of the day. What a drag! I’m Cara, I’m 24, and I just moved back to my hometown in Durham, North Carolina, about 30 minutes away from Raleigh, after being overseas for college. I am so glad to be back! Back with my friend and family in a city that I call home.

The only thing I’d love to change is my love life! I would love to go out with a fun guy, one who’s not gonna shy away from more active dates. I love anything ranging from sports, to hiking, to even hitting up a skyzone and hopping around on the trampolines haha! You need to keep that youth alive in you, and I’d love to get to know a man that values that just like me. I should not have to mention it, but I am a transsexual so, a man who accepts me for my identity is also extremely important! I live near the downtown area so, if you ever wanna go shoot some hoops with me, send me a message!

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