My Trans Love > New Jersey > Paterson

TS in search of fluffy-haired love in Paterson, NJ

TS in search of fluffy-haired love in Paterson, NJ

I’ve been out so much in college, I can literally do my makeup routine with my eyes closed lol! Believe it or not, I never used to beat my face before university. I’m a trans girl from a small town so, of course it was heavily frowned upon. However, I moved to Paterson, New Jersey for school and surrounded myself with the kindest, welcoming circle of friends. This move really gave me the space to find myself and now, I can confidently say that my name is Amy, I’m 22, and I’m a girly girl princess hahaha!

With this newfound wave of confidence, I would love to give dating a try! I’ve talked and flirted with guys here and there, but I’ve actually never gotten into a relationship before, and that’s the goal tbh! I am attracted to fluffy brunettes with deep brown eyes that I could stare into all day. I really adore a man that is affectionate, humble, and attentive. I also really love to go out and enjoy the nightlife so, I’m hoping you’re down to dance the night away with me! Shoot me a text if you’d like to hang out sometime, maybe we can go for a drink one of these weekends!

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