What’s up ? I am 36 and my name’s Jill. I could blame the whole wild world for being still single. But truth be told, it’s mostly because of me. Oh sure, I’ve had my fair share of dates with weird dudes and guys who were just not fit to be in a relationship. Everybody in this big messy dating scene had such experiences. But I can also safely and proudly affirm that I’ve been on the other side too. I was the weird one. And I might still be for a while. At least, I tell myself that I am, or rather was, a new transwoman. The trans part stays, not the “new” haha.
You see, I like to think of myself as funny and pretty uncaring. A bit too much sometimes. I would go on dates with messy hair, with loungewear type of clothing. or hiking stuff, that sort of thing you know. Not the typical look at me I took the time to get pretty to impress you situation that’s expected from a dating woman in her 30s. A bit like how I look on my pictures wouldn’t you say ? Well you should say so if you want to have a chance with me lol. Seriously, I’ve cleaned up my game and at the same time, finally opted for more sexy and cute outfits. Such as this red dress and those boots. Just don’t expect me to go on a catwalk just yet however. Deep down, I am still the same nature lover from Maine. Even if I live in the big city now, well big as in Portland, Maine. I just learned how to dress more proper if I want to be in a relationship. I promise I’ll keep it up once we’re dating.
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