My Trans Love > Washington > Tukwila

Shy trans Tukwila WA up for romance in gap year

Shy trans Tukwila WA up for romance in gap year

I’m a pretty shy person, so I wouldn’t usually be putting myself out here like this, yet here I am lol! I’m Skye, I’m 22, and I live in Tukwila, WA. I just recently graduated from South Seattle College, and I’m taking a gap year to work and save up money for grad school. With no more assignments and classes hanging me by the neck, I must admit that life gets a bit monotonous from time-to-time. So, now that I have more time on my hands, I figure why not invest some of it into a relationship, could be fun right?

I’m hoping to meet a thoughtful guy that is around my age, to go out on dates with. I don’t have much dating experience, and I think it’s because of two main factors: I’m young, and queer woman. But I’d like to change that. This gap year is purposely for exploring myself a bit more so, I’d like to give love a chance. I like the nerdier set tbh lol!! If you like anime, video games, movies, comics, things of that sort, you have my heart already because we’ll always have something to talk about! Text me if you’d like to hang out sometime. I’d much rather meet you sooner than later to see if we hit things off!

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