My Trans Love > Georgia > Helen

Quirky trans lady looking to meet her match in Helen, GA

I am a woman of many niche interests; more specifically I love all things antique and retro. Cars, teacup sets, furniture, clocks, I’m a collector! I even moved out here to Helen about 6 years ago to work at the famous clockworks store off South Main Street, kinda crazy right? The video I posted is literally me happily on my way to work just about a week ago; I’m telling you, I love this stuff! The wide variety of authentic Black Forest Cuckoo clocks drew me in, as I am the biggest fan of German clockwork. It’s these things that bring joy to my life. As I gotten older, I’ve learned to embrace my weirdness, as it’s a part of what makes Melinda, Melinda!

In learning to accept my quirkiness and love myself, I think I am ready to share some of this love with a special guy. I’m a post-op transgender woman and have been for quite some time so, I was always afraid to put myself out there in hopes of finding my partner. However, at this day in age and with my confidence, I am open and vulnerable to love. I want a man to make me feel joy and live youthfully in ways that I wasn’t able to as a young boy out of fear. I want to have dance parties in our living room and go thrifting together in our vintage buggy that we painted and decorated. If you think you match my weird cat-lady vibes, send me a message and we can go for a walk down main street and go window shopping at all the antique stores!

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