My Trans Love > Indiana > Fort Wayne

Friendly spirit looking for lover in Fort Wayne, IN

Heyy, nice to meet you all ! I’m Chelsea, I’m 21 years old, and I live in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I’m a pastry chef in-training at a local bakery, which is pretty fun! I’ve always been artistically inclined so, decorating cakes and cupcakes and assembling them was always right up my alley. In my spare time, I love to sketch and paint, it’s like a stress-reliever for me. I’m in school right now part time and online so, I have to find a way to relieve the tension somehow haha!

But, I realize that I also have to find a way to meet new people as well! I have a few friends here and there that stayed in my hometown but, I’m ready to expand my social circle, meet new people. As you figured maybe already, I am a trans so of course, that just makes me all the more accepting and loving, so come as you are and I’ll take you with open arms! I’m open to all kinds of connections, even those beyond friendship. I like to go with the flow and take things one day at a time, never closing doors. I gravitate towards odd-balls, people with cool hobbies and weird talents, that’s my crowd right there haha! Anyway, message me if you’re down to grab a bite and chat it up with me sometime!

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