My Trans Love > Arkansas > Little Rock

Ex-band member on the hunt for soulmate – Little Rock AR

Ex-band member on the hunt for soulmate - Little Rock AR

I moved to Little Rock a few years back as a part of a jazz band, but we all grew out of that fantasy stage and realized we all need real jobs, lol!! Now we’re just four housemates working regular 9-5s, who would’ve thought, right? We still perform at local bars and other venues here and there but, we don’t get many gigs lately, since a lot of the newer crowd is flooding the scene and taking our places. The music industry is brutal out here man! Honestly though, I’m glad that I ended up here. Little Rock is one of the most hospitable cities I’ve ever lived in, and young Andrea moved around quite a lot in my earlier days! I think it’s the perfect city to raise a family in, which is why I love it so much right now at 32!

I’m looking for my soulmate if I’m being completely honest, but I know that doesn’t just come out of the blue. It takes time and effort to build a love like that, but I think I’m ready to give it a go. I’m a post-op trans woman, which is something I feel like I should put out there from the jump. I’m caring and compassionate. I spend a lot of free time volunteering at the Little Rock Angels, they know me as “mama Drea” over there lol! I’m looking for a man with similar qualities, that will take care of me and have an open heart to help others as well. I’d love to go out for a beer sometime so, if you’re near South End, let’s crack some open and get to know each other!

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