My Trans Love > Florida > Tampa

Dive in love with peculiar queer shark girl – Tampa

Dive in love with peculiar queer shark girl - Tampa

Omg hi everyone ! My name is Claire, I’m 25 years old, and I’m a pre-op trans girl living in the Hampton Terrace Historic district in Tampa, Florida. I’m a grad student and research assistant studying marine sciences so, I spend a lot of time by the water lol! I’m a big nerd honestly, and I have had an obsession with sharks since I was a little kid. So hey, I guess I’m living the dream huh! I’m neurodivergent hence, I’m a really smiley and random individual with quirky, niche tastes in hobbies. Once I latch onto something/someone, I tend to cling on to them!

Now that I’ve mentioned that I think it’s pretty obvious why I’ve resorted to a dating site for casual meets. It’s kinda hard for me to make those romantic kind of connection irl but don’t get me wrong, I’m still really interested in making one! I have yet to date anyone so, I’m hoping to have a fun, light experience with a goofy, silly kind of guy. I really appreciate a great sense of humor! I’d love to have a boyfriend of course but, I’m a slow lover and very detail-oriented so, I want to take things easy and learn you from the inside out. Message me if you want to chat some more and maybe meet super soon!

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