My Trans Love > Missouri > Kansas City

Anyone want to go jazz bar hopping in Kansas City, MO?

Jazz is hand-down the best genre of music you could listen to, and if you don’t agree, this isn’t gonna workout I’m sorry lol! It’s just so versatile and there’s something to fit every mood! You want something upbeat and giddy, try some Bebop. Or would you prefer something more subtle to end your day? I’d suggest Bossa nova then. In the video, I was actually just stepping out to head to a Bossa Nova show a few blocks from my apartment in Downtown Kansas, it’s an every-weekend thing for me.

I’m looking for a guy to accompany me in jazz bar hopping with on the weekends. I would love to meet someone who enjoys live jazz music just as much as I do and can hold their liquor! The ambience in a jazz bar in the evening is the perfect place to get to know someone in my opinion. Low lighting and soft jazz humming in the background of our conversation over a bottle of wine, how romantic no? Is it too much to ask from a trans woman simply searching for a partner to bond with over music and some drinks? My name is Nicole and make sure to message me if this sounds like a good time to you. Let’s plan for an evening out in the town!

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