My Trans Love > California > Los Angeles

Beauty and brains trans Asian in Los Angeles

Beauty and brains trans Asian in Los Angeles

Nothing I love better than a little cocktail party! I love to dress up and do my hair and makeup on any occasion that I can, live the life of a rich, fancy woman for a night. You know what they say, fake it ‘till you make it right haha! I’m Lucy, I’m 24, and I’ve lived in different areas of Los Angeles, California for the past 10 years now, so I’d definitely consider it my home! Luckily (and with hard work of course), I found an amazing job in finance right out of college in the downtown area so, I’m honestly living my best life, becoming a rich, fancy lady isn’t as far away as it seems loll! Especially if I get the big surgery and go post-op. Outside of work, I obviously enjoy going for drinks, eating out at new restaurants, and just nightlife in general. I basically love to look pretty and socialize!

I’m very friendly and talk to any and everyone whenever we are out. So, as you can imagine, my friends are always perplexed as to how I don’t have a man yet lol. That doesn’t mean I’m not ready for one though! I’m on here to search for a life-of-the-party, genuine, and darling guy around my age that will treat me like a princess. I am an Asian trans woman so, I’d love to go out with a man that makes me feel extra beautiful and comfortable in my skin and doesn’t hesitate to tell me every day. Words of affirmation are my kryptonite so, I hope that you are love’s spokesman haha! Text me if you want to grab a drink with me one of these nights, I have lots of cool places we can hit up!

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