My Trans Love > Washington, D.C.

Angry and edgy trans-woman from Washington, DC

Surprisingly handy TS putting down roots in Binghamton, NY

Listen, I am not really an angry person. It’s just that I listen to metal and hardcore music and I also enjoy wearing t-shirts of music bands. Or rather, I don’t care about how I dress. And so, people assume that I am angry and constantly mad. Crazy what others can think of you simply based on your appearance and preferences. Oh well, on top of that, I am trans so I am accustomed to judgement. That must explain why I enjoy that kind of music so much lol. It’s liberating and comforting to listen to the lyrics of those songs and know that I am not the only loner and person who does not fit. Especially since I grew up in Georgetown in Washington, DC. I ended up moving east to Little Rome, or Brookland, as I was tired of the posh people over there.

It also explains why I’d be looking to be in a relationship with someone who sees the world like me. Most of my friends are like that, but they’re just that, friends. I’d love a deeper and more meaningful relationship. No offense guys. My name’s Eleonor, I am 36 and it’s important that I meet a person who’s around my age. Not too young, nor too old either. I am open to a person of any gender too. Do I really have to go into full details on that ? Don’t think so. Send me a quick text and we’ll go from there.

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