My Trans Love > Alabama > Mobile

Would love a line dance partner, MtF from Mobile, AL

Would love a line dance partner, Mobile, AL

Howdy y’all ? My name’s Olivia and I am from Mobile Alabama, and I still reside here to this day. Quite a few times, I considered moving to a city and a state that would be more inclusive towards transwoman, but I never actually acted on it. Turns out that I am strong and fierce woman. Plus, I’ve got this amazing and supportive group of friends in The Port City. Sadly, for me, none of them is into line dancing. Or at the verry least, they are not AS into line dancing as I am. Sure they’ll indulge and join me on the dance floor for a quick shuffle, but I want more.

More dancing and of course, more than a dance partner. Ya, despite what my title says, I am not here with the sole intent of a guy with great moves. For that, I might simply go to a dance studio in town. Trust me I did. What I am really after is finding true love. Something that’s hard in normal circumstances, but even more so when you’re trans and pretty tall too. And 41. I just need to find a man who’ll fall in love with my fun and quirky attitude, as well as my dance moves too.

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